Screen captures from broadcast. Large
pictures, may take up to 2 minutes to fully load
a dial-up connection.
Friday the 8th of August 2003 was KTEH Mystery
night, and a number of Camden Foundation
showed up to man the pledge phones for the
evening. A dinner catered by Applebees was
served part
way through the evening. All the Cougars
were kept busy answering the phone and taking
pledges, as well
as the random odd question or two. At the
end of the evening it was announced that we
exceeded the
pledge goal! Congratulations all!
Sign broadcast thanking foundation volunteers.
KTEH production staff and "talent" work the crowd electronically.
On right are the Camden Foundation's seven volunteers, all clad in foundation
logo t-shirts. Front row
left to right are Judy Rush Davis ('66), Judy's friend Dennis Brydon and Ric
Bretschneider ('74.)
Second row are foundation president Will Finck, his granddaughter Betsy Finck, and Lorie
and Tom
Rose ('74.)
Foundation friend Dennis Brydon and foundation member Ric Bretschneider ('74)
man the phones. Seen
behind them are foundation president Will Finck's granddaughter Betsy Finck
(left) and Lorie Rose.
Ric Bretschneider ('74) front and center, behind him, Tom Rose ('74.)
Camden Foundation volunteer Lorie Rose (Soquel High class of '83.)
Taking pledges is foundation board member and all year reunion organizer Judy Rush Davis ('66.)
Please consider joining us for the next KTEH pledge drive, it's a fun way to help out a great cause.
Contact the foundation for further information on how you can volunteer.