Cougars’ Tales

Issue Number
Summer 2001

Camden High School’s
Electronic Newspaper
Editor Tom Rose, Class of 1974 - Post Office Box 881 Los Gatos CA 95031
- Camden Web Site:
Issue available at
Twenty-First Century Reunion
A Success

Group Photo –
Click for Interactive
“What an awesome sight to see so many Cougars gathered for a
few hours of reminiscing and story swapping,” declared Brett Welch (‘78) after
his visit to Camden High’s fourth annual all year reunion. Yes, this annual
event run by Carmen Winters Rous (‘67) was yet
another success. Over 230 Camdenites attended,
many with spouses and children. The visit to the former campus brought
back memories for many. Dinah Zuniga (’77) said, “As I walked around the
open buildings we noticed that the building still smelled the same and that
triggered so many memories. I had forgotten how short the corridors
were.” Darrell Ray (‘66) upon returning to Arizona
from the event commented, “Great trip, had a heck of a great time at the
reunion. I got to dance in the gym, a little weird going in there after
so many years. And the swimming pool has gotten smaller, or it just seems
like it.”
Professional disk jockey Rich
Campbell (’66) once again generously donated his time spinning hits from the
fifties through seventies. Other functions were run by a handful of
volunteers under the command of Carmen. Thanks
go out to Linda Lane, Judy Davis, Jan Lowden Stahl for running booths selling
t-shirts and cold drinks, with profits to benefit next year’s reunion, Gary Hinze and William Shepard for helping set-up tents, Brett
Welch (‘78) for his donation of bottled water and of course Carmen’s hubby Bill
Rous (‘64).
Weather was pleasant, much cooler than last year’s reunion
that kept most people crowded under what little available shade there
was. Kurt Nelson (’74), visiting from scorching Fresno
joked about needing a jacket for the “cool” San Jose
Teachers spotted at this year’s event included; Will Finck, Richard Gordon,
Linda Guelfo, Sherlynn Mar,
Herman Osorio, Susie Paluncich and Coach Bob
Woods. Mr. Finck manned a booth providing
information on The Camden Foundation and signed up seventeen members that
The newly formed non-profit group The Camden Foundation
rented the gym for an authentic sock hop and to hold it’s
first board election (see Foundation article in this issue for
Ed Brick (’74) arrived to cheers as he strode in wearing the
reproduction Cougar mascot head he made. He generously donated the
creation to The Camden Foundation for use at events.
The only complaints seemed to be regarding heavy traffic
encountered on the way to and from the reunion. The Gilroy Garlic
Festival, held the same weekend, added to the already congested highway 101.
Even reunion creator John Wiley (’66) encountered the slow-moving traffic
in his travels from Santa Barbara,
making him a late arrival. And travel Camdenites did.
Six came from Texas, two from Washington
State, two from Idaho,
one from Oregon and three from Nevada.
Phil Duzet ('73) left the reunion
a bit early but later made a re-appearance via airplane. When first
spotted at the reunion, circling overhead, Judy Davis ('67) was concerned that
the plane might be manned by some revenge-seeking alumni of Leigh High. Luckily
this was no bombing run, merely a friendly fly over by Phil.
A restored 1969 Corvette with the rare 427 tri-power engine,
the kind of car many of us would have loved to own while we were at Camden, was
displayed by owner Mike Brown ('74.) At the reunion’s end the piercing
wail of spinning tires announced this cars exit from Camden's
hallowed grounds.
Messages posted at the reunion
A message board was a new addition to the reunion.
“Looking for Dan E. Thirkell
Class of ’70. Haven’t seen him since Viet Nam.” Bruce Risely.
“Trying to locate Mary Avanti ‘65’”
from Judy Rush.”
“Where is Debby Herriman (SP?)” W. Shepard
Some photos from Saturdays reunion
– Click small picture for larger picture.
Pro DJ Rich
Campbell ('66)

Tented ladies actively converse (Bev
Greene Polyniak (65), S Tankersley (65) and Alice Dutton (65)

Mr. Finck sells Camden
Foundation memberships

Ed Brick's ('74) Mascot recreation

59'ers Tom Margrove & Chuck Crowell with lovely ladies

Social Studies teacher Miss Mar

Shirts For Sale

Class of '74 Mike Brown's vintage Vette

Other Reunion Information
Mid-Sixties Grads Plan Tri-Year Reunion
The classes of ’65, ’66 and ’67 will be joining forces for a
huge reunion next year. Set for August third at Lou’s Village Restaurant
on San Carlos in San
Jose. Planning began with the Class of ’67’s
thirty-fifth reunion. When it was learned the Classes of ’65 and ’66
hadn’t had a reunion since their thirtieth it was decided to include them as
well. Representing each year in organizing this event are Carmen Winter Rous for 1967, Linda Lavoie Lane
for 1966 and Cindy Tomkins Sutton for 1965.
These reunion organizers, led by Carmen, have strove to keep the event
affordable. Dinner and dancing will be a reasonable $55 per person.
Information including reservation form can be found at
Class of ’73
Planning Thirtieth
Jackie Johnson Clark is the contact person for the class of
’73, contact her at
Belated Reunion
for Class of ’71
Jim Votano is figuring better late than never for a Class of ’71 thirtieth year
reunion. He has taken up the task of organizing the event to take place
in 2002. If you are from this class or know of others who are, please
contact Jim at
Jim has put together a small band of volunteers but could use more helping
hands if any from this class would care to help.
Camden Foundation Now
A way to keep the very spirit of Camden High alive is just
one thought behind the newly formed non-profit organization The Camden
Foundation. The organization was developed to provide Cambrian Park youth
with tutoring and mentoring programs, to aid the preservation of Camden High
and Cambrian Park artifacts and to provide financial help to the annual all
year reunion and Cougars’ Tales online paper. Future goals include the
reformation of past Camden Choir and Band, bringing the former members together
to once again perform, and the sponsorship of a small Cambrian
Park museum. The organization is
open to all, whether they are former students and faculty, Cambrian
Park residents or those inspired by
the foundation’s mission.
brainchild of former Camden faculty
member Will Finck, the Foundation received its
official government sanction in March of this year. Among the business
completed on the first Foundation meeting on February 15’th, was the selection of a name for the proposed
organization. The membership drive for founding members began at July 28 at the
annual all year reunion with close to twenty former students and faculty
joining that day alone. A meeting open to all was held in the gymnasium
to introduce the foundation and it’s goals. In
addition a vote was taken for initial officers. The vote of hands
declared that Mr. Finck be president of the
Foundation, Tom Rose (’74) vice president,
Beverly Green Polyniak (’66) treasurer, Linda
Lavoie Lane (‘66) secretary and Scott Rose (’74)
historian. Normal annual membership is $25 but those joining as
founding members will have the remainder of 2001 and all of 2002 covered
for $35, with next member payment due in January of 2003. Lifetime
memberships are available for only$500, a good way to
honor your alma mater. Business memberships will soon be available.
Founding members will receive the 2001 membership pin, commemorating a new
start for the century and the Foundation, as well as a newsletter to be
published twice a year chronicling the Foundations progress. Membership
applications are available at,
please help support this worthy cause.
Cougar Camaraderie
The mix of food and Camdenites has
become a pleasant recent tradition. Begun three years ago by San
Jose area Camdenites who
couldn’t get their fill of socializing with their fellow alumni at the all year
reunion, the events have spread to the Sacramento
area and even far away Austin, Texas.
A couple of faculty members have enjoyed breaking bread with their former
students, as well. Will Finck, a Saratoga
resident, has been a regular at San Jose
get togethers. Herman Osorio, who
recently relocated to Roseville,
finds time to make it to the popular Sacramento
Contest! Caption the Photos from Alicia’s Mexican
Food in Cambrian Park
Plaza, San
Jose California.
Photo Contest! Identify
the people (front to back, left to right) in each
of these pictures! Click on the picture to
enlarge. Send your complete guesses to with the
subject line “I know who they are!” Yes,
there will be a prize!
Special hint: one of
these photos is not from Alicia’s!














Where Are They Now?

and Will at a recent
Foundation Meeting
Will Finck and Judy Rush Davis (‘66) write about their lives.
Will Finck – Faculty Member
I was born in Richmond,
California on May 1, 1930. Born the oldest
of two children, my seven-year younger sister now lives in Los
I graduated from Richmond
High School - the same high school
as fellow Camden faculty member Mr.
Matulich. Not knowing what to do with my life
(I was the typical uninvolved teenager) I was coaxed to enlist in the U.S.
Army. I served for two years at Fort Ord, California
(one of the reasons I joined was to see the world). I didn't like
military service so sixty days after I was released from active duty, I was recalled back and served another 15
months. This time I got further from home - Camp
Roberts near Paso Robles, California.
This was during the Korean War, but for me the struggle was without bloodshed
and horror.
I was released from the service in December 1951 and married
the next summer to my
first wife Addie Crooks. We had four children,
but only two survived infancy. Today my oldest, Suzanne, resides in a
group home in Minnesota a victim of a closed head injury that occurred in
Hawaii nearly twenty years ago.
My son, Greg, also resides in Minnesota.
He is principal of a K-2 school of 600 students
in the town of Princeton in Minnesota.
He has two daughters and a son ranging in age
from eight to twelve. His wife Tracey is a part-time professor at Bethany
College in Minneapolis.
moved to San Jose in 1958 when I
was given my first full-year contract for teaching. I spend the first
year at Campbell High
School and moved to Del
Mar, which opened in the fall of 1959. I lasted there for one week
when I was transferred to Camden High
School where I remained until I took a one-year sabbatical
beginning in the fall of 1971. Until this time I had taught a smattering
of subjects, primarily English classes for the average student population as
well as Creative Writing and Drama each for one year. The balance of my
career at Camden up to 1971 was
spent teaching the senior government class.
A few of those years I team-taught, mostly with John McBain who later left the Campbell District to teach at Skyline College in San Mateo County.
I loved drama, but was fearful I would never again find such a talented,
hardworking and energetic group of students to work with in producing
plays. I requested I be let out of Drama and was replaced after the one
1971 I took my sabbatical, although it was more of a retreat than it was an educational
experience. The magic of the sixties had gone out of education for
me. I couldn't do the things that had worked for me in the past. I
was in the midst of a mid-life crisis. I returned in the fall of 1972,
and was assigned to Leigh High
School for the years 1972 and 1973. They
were the worst two years I spent as a teacher. I decided that I could no
longer work with students as I had in the past, so I made a change and returned
to school in the field of Special Education. I returned to Camden
in 1974 as a resource room teacher in Special Ed., and remained in that
capacity at Camden until the school
closed in 1980.
During this time I entered into my second marriage with my
current wife Margaret, we had no children. In the fall of 1980 I transferred
to Westmont High, continuing in Special Education until 1986 when I was
assigned as a school counselor. I retained that job at three different
locations and finished my career in 1990 back at Westmont
High School. I continue to
work, now as a volunteer working in adolescent substance abuse programs,
something I first began in the mid-seventies shortly after meeting Margaret.
On October 30 of last year I lost my dad at the age of
ninety-eight, I miss him terribly. Although he only had an eighth grade
education, he influenced my academic life and my teaching. I have found
new energy to do unfinished business because of his inspiration.
I probably became a high school teacher to find what I never found in my own
high school experience. High School was probably one of the most painful
times in my life. I have no regrets, and given another opportunity, I
would probably do the same thing all over again, but hopefully, I would do it
My newest thing that haunts me
is to get a group together and do the play Our Town, for which I have developed
a very new kinship.
Meaningfully Will Finck
Judy Rush
Davis 1966
Born in San Francisco in
the fog on August 5, l948. Twin, Janice, born 8
minutes later. Dance lesson started at age three, and of course, a
star was born. Brother Bill born in '51 and Ken in '53. We moved to
San Jose in July of '56 and our
house on Lexford Ave.
was smack in the middle of a prune orchard. Began third
grade at Steindorf. It was the first
time I was separated from my twin.
Friends, Josephine Chapatte, Susan Rockhold, Kathy Seekins.
Brownie Troop 457. Andy Amaro
lived right across the street. The Mecurios, Tennysons, Marsha Hammond, the Gaspers, Docettis
the Nice's (probably others) all lived on Lexford. Terry Watts, Doug Adams et al lived nearby.
In seventh grade we started at Ida Price. This was the first year
it was open. Discovered boys. Started getting
into trouble with my need to share what was on my mind with anyone, including
those who didn't want to hear it. Best friends Josephine, Madeleine Edwards,
Marilyn Ciraulo. Darrell Ray was one of my first
beaux (is your face blushing Darrell?) I'm not sure if that was Jr. high or High School.
Spent most of the next four years in the Dean's Office.
My main course of study was business classes. Miss Guelfo,
Mrs. Harmon. I always had those skills to fall back on, and fall back I
did for a number of years.
The teacher who I most admired was Mr. Finck.
For a person who was in trouble all the time,
there was only one place where I was treated normally, and that was in
my Senior History class. (He also made history interesting to me for the first
Through the years I waited tables, sold insurance, worked in any number of
office jobs, expedited for Dysan (right after they
discovered floppy discs). Worked at Cambrian Pet Shop, tended bar, toured
people around the state of California as well as the
Winchester Mystery House. Acted, comedied,
taught, worked production in movies. Raised two
children, married twice, divorced twice. Cared for elders, Massaged, never stopped going to schools and taking
classes. Record books on tape for blind people, bought and sold
estates (you know, the contents, not the land and mansions). As you
can see, I am a definite candidate for Attention Deficit Disorder.
Right now I am still doing many of the things from the above list. I live
in the mountains behind Los Gatos
with my two birds, Picasso and Monet.
Being involved with this Camden
list has been very healing for me. I was not a very happy teenager and
suffered more than a little angst. Before this group, I had pretty
miserable memories of high school. The first reunion was very nerve
racking. And then I learned that lots of people were miserable (why do
we always think it's just us?) And I learned that it was all old
history and only I remembered the hard parts. I made a phone call to
someone who used to be mean to me, and they didn't remember who I was. I thank
them for that. I thank all of you for re-entering my life.
We & Our Neighbors Historic Building
Many Camdenites bemoan the changes
that have taken place in Cambrian Park
in their short lives. However, just down the street from where Camden High
once resided sits a building that has watched time go by virtually unchanged
since 1910. Some of you may only remember it as ‘that old place next to
what used to be Lindy’s Bike Shop’ (now a realty
office) but this historic landmark has an interesting story to tell.
early rancher settlers that had begun inhabiting the Cambrian area in the
1860’s rarely socialized. Roads were bad and travel by horseback was
difficult for women and children. By the later part of the century the road
system had improved and buggies had made travel more civilized. Born out of
social necessity, the pioneering women created their own social club in what
was then called the Union District, named for the many local residents who were
supporters of the Union during the Civil War. Begun in
1892 when the area was made up of ranches averaging 100 acres with poor roads
and no telephones. We & Our Neighbors became the name and the club’s
purpose was simply, “just for sociability.”
First meeting at the home of Mrs. John Cilker,
they drew up a constitution and elected their first president Mrs. Maria
Schofield, who was to serve for twenty-five years. Membership was by invitation
only and there was a requirement that members own land within the district
marked by narrow gauge railroad tracks on the north and east, Los
Gatos San Jose Road (now Bascom Avenue) on the west and
the foothills in the south. All twenty charter members are long gone of
course, but many of their daughters and granddaughters still meet every third
Saturday of the month, just as the original members did over a hundred years
monthly meetings were held in member’s homes from 1891 to 1910 and featured
entertainment such as shadow pictures, tableaux and recitations. The
November meeting allowed for family and friends to attend and was a great
social affair. This big event often included oyster suppers, square
dancing and community sing-a longs. On May Day
members would ride hay wagons to Guadalupe for a picnic. Social
announcements and matchmaking were often a part of these events. Serious
subjects intruded on the sociability as well. In 1895 the members
discussed the women’s suffrage movement and one member read aloud on the
“Heroism of Women.” Still, the majority opposed the suffragists.
Acts of charity were common. A quilt made for a poor local woman in 1897,
a donation of $10 towards a cow for a woman the following year. Two
wagons of relief supplies were donated to San Jose
following the 1906 earthquake.
By the early 1900’s the club membership had grown so that
holding meetings in members homes was no longer
practical. Club member Mrs. William La Montagne
deeded to the group a quarter acre of land, located at the intersection of Union
Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road, for the price of
one gold dollar. A gift of $2,650 by Mrs. Schofield provided for the
redwood building that still stands. The new clubhouse included a
cloakroom, parlor, kitchen, bathroom, and a room that included a stage and
could seat a hundred guests. Other club members provided for the
furnishings and additional expenses. A piano, at $300, was an indulgence
that is still in use at the club.
Through the years the social club has served the Cambrian
Park community. We and Our
Neighbors established the original Home and School Club for the Union
School District and the clubhouse
served as the first public library for the area from 1950 to 1960.
Today the building is little changed. It has survived
earthquakes, fires, and more recently, vandalism, to serve a twenty-first
century community. Boy Scout Troop 347, whom the group has supported for
over fifty years, helps with upkeep and recently placed historic markers on the
grounds. The stone and cement barrier at the streets edge continues to
suffer damage in its attempts to hold back the busy street traffic. No surprise
there, it was built to hold back horse and buggy not two-ton steel
No Longer With Us
George Bulkley,
Class of 1958
George Bulkley,
after a lengthy bout with Lupus, passed away last March. George was born
in 1940 in Pennsylvania and came to San Jose when IBM transferred his father there in the early
1950’s. An excellent musician, George played trombone and sang and was a
member of Camden’s band and choir. He also founded Camden’s first barbershop quartet, The Cougairs.
George attended San
Jose City College and graduated from San Jose State with a music degree in the early seventies. He taught
music to elementary students in the Evergreen School
until forced to retire due to illness. His bout with Lupus eventually
cost him both legs and the vision in one eye but he stayed involved in music to
the end, singing in his church choir. Dean Estabrook,
a fellow 1958 grad, said of George, he was “a most perfect metaphor for
courage, he never complained about his afflictions, but remained positive,
generous and caring for all those about him.” George is survived by a
daughter Pera and son Tim, both of whom reside in the
San Jose area.
Gary Lee Farnsworth, Class of 1970
Gary Farnsworth of Grass Valley, Nevada, died August 17 at the age of forty-nine. He
suffered an aortic aneurysm on Friday the sixteenth and passed away the
following day. After graduating from Camden Gary joined the Teamsters
Union and worked as a truck driver in San Jose for fourteen years driving for Dick’s Automotive,
Western Appliance and California Motor Express. Gary moved to Grass Valley with his wife and daughter in 1982 working in logging
and as a heavy equipment operator. Among his interests were horses,
rodeo, Harley Davidson motorcycles and Caterpillar tractors. He is
survived by his parents, Robert and Marguerite, daughter Dawn, brothers Charles (’72), Daniel and John (’67), sister
Suzanne Arias among others. Thanks to Grass Valleys newspaper The Union for portions of this
obituary. Some may remember Gary’s car while in high school; an orange Camaro set up for drag racing with “Say It Loud” lettered
on both sides.
Jan Allax Mirassou, Class
of 1959
Jan Mirassou
of Live Oak, California, died February 10, 2001. Born in San Jose, he lived in the Yuba-Sutter area for the past 37
years and was a rancher for the last 45 years of his life. At the time of
his death he was a member of the Live Oak Lions Club, the California Canning
Peach Association, a board member of the Prune Bargaining Association and
foreman of the Sutter County Grand Jury. Jan and his wife Sonja Fay Mirassou were found together in their home, each with a
single gunshot wound to the head according to local under sheriff
Bill Grove. “The fatal wound to Mr. Mirassou
appears to be self-inflicted, and a handgun was found near his body,” stated
Grove. The couple is survived by two daughters, Karen Mirassou-Koch
and Shirley Mirassou-Hoag, both of Live Oak.
The Mirassous were preceded in death by son Michael Allax Mirassou. They had
five grandchildren.
Kathleen A. Nasiatka,
Class of 1980
Camden’s last graduating class lost one of their own when
Kathy Nasiatka passed on May 7, 2001 in San Jose. Diagnosed with brain cancer eight years ago,
she died in the home she shared with her mother. While at Camden Kathy
was involved with JV and Varsity Basketball and Softball and was a member of
the German Club. Always a sports fan, Kathy was an ardent follower of the
49’ers and Sharks and idolized Joe Montana according
to her family. “Mother was a Green Bay Packers fan and, when the two
teams played, sometimes we had to put them in separate rooms because they would
ride each other so badly,” remembered Kathy’s sister
Julie Kiefer of Gilroy. She was active at Holy Family Roman Catholic
Church in San Jose and worked the last 15 years at United Administrative
Services, also of San
Raymond R. Ochoa, Class of 1975
Ray Ocho
succumbed to liver problems on May 17, 2001, the same day his father Fidel, age 75, passed on. A
memorial mass was held for father and son at St. Francis Cabrini
across from the former Camden campus. Ray was a member of Varsity Track,
Cross Country and the 2000 Mile Club while at Camden and was voted Class Wolf in his senior year.
John Seekins,
Class of 1969
John Seekins
died of heart failure sometime in the year 2000 (this information was provided
by a former neighbor of John’s.) Both John’s sisters; Kathy Seekins (’67) and Debbie Seekins
(’75) attended Camden as well.
Middle School Remodel Underway
Union Middle
School, formerly Union Junior High, is undergoing
its largest construction project since being build in
1949. All ten schools in the Union
School District have begun major
construction projects this summer but Union’s is the
most extensive. When completed in the summer of 2003 the school will
feature a large plaza anchored by a 4,000 square foot library with attached
computer lab. A new 8,000 square foot gymnasium and performing arts
center will have attached locker rooms and a large music building complete with
separate practice rooms. An amphitheater that backs up to the interior
stage will be featured as well.
Saddle Rack
Nightclub Hits The Trail
Country music loving Camdenites
will mourn the passing of the Saddle Rack nightclub of San
Jose. The largest facility of its type in Northern
California, the Saddle Rack, located near the intersection of Meridian
and San Carlos in San
Jose, featured two stages and six bars as well as a
mechanical bull. Owner Hank Guenther decided on a nightclub after the
“Bit O’ Sweden”
smorgasbord restaurant concept didn’t catch on. Looking around at
discotheques and clubs in the mid-seventies he decided he liked the “American”
look of the country music devotees and in 1976 opened what was affectionately
knows as “The Rack.” Curiously, Guenther was not even a fan of country
music at the time; his was merely a business decision, and a fortuitous one at
that. In 1980 the John Travolta movie “Urban Cowboy” was released and the
Rack rode the crest of country music’s new hip image. The so-called
“young country” movement of the early nineties also hiked attendance to the
club. A gargantuan place, the club featured notable performers such as
Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buck Owens, and Billy Ray Cyrus. Even
non-country acts such as Ray Charles, James Brown and Ricky
Nelson played at the club. No cover charge and free dance lessons made
the Rack a popular spot for singles and many women have said it was the only
club they felt safe attending alone. The last few years saw a waning
interest in country music and attendance fell. Guenther was forced to
resort to a $5 cover and the writing was on the wall for the roadhouse.
Rising land value made the large club with it’s big
parking lot a target for developers. Just shy of the club’s 25’th anniversary, Guenther
decided it was time to sell. A senior citizen housing complex is to be
built in the club’s spot.
Lucky Camden
Ed Brick (’74) only attended Camden
in his freshman year before moving from the area but he has become one of Camden’s
biggest boosters. His three sisters were luckier; Genie (’64), Jennifer
(’67) and Claudia (class valedictorian ’68) spent four years each at Camden.
He wore his Camden shirt, purchased
at July’s reunion, on an August trip with his mom Paula. Luck was with
him that day; he won a jackpot at Harrah‘s Lake Tahoe. Ed believes the Camden
t-shirt provided this luck.
Perhaps one of these lovely T’s (guaranteed to cure nudity)
will bring you luck as well. To purchase shirts go to
Amusement Park Opens….and
Garlic Capital Gilroy was featured on CNN among other
national news services when Bonfante
Gardens, a 75-acre amusement park
opened there last June fifteenth. The park had been a dream of former
Willow Glen resident Michael Bonfante for over twenty
years. Bonfante, best known as the owner of the
Nob Hill grocery store chain, took over the grocery
business from his father and increased the number of stores up before selling
the chain to Raleys. Bonfante Gardens
combines Bonfante’s love of trees with the more
traditional rides and carnival games. Among the hundreds of trees planted
for the park are the Circus Trees formerly of Scotts
Valley. These carefully
grafted trees, formed into various shapes, were also featured at the Lost World
tourist attraction, remembered for it’s huge dinosaur
figures visible from Highway 17. Bonfante originally
intended to have a park simply dedicated to trees but his accountants convinced
him it would be a hard sell without carnival rides to entice the kids. A
monorail, two roller coasters, an antique carousel and a host of other rides
including the “Garlic Spin” are spread among the beautiful gardens. The park
attracted over 280,000 guests prior to closing in September. The closing,
expected to be temporary, was due to one of the financers pulling out, leaving
the park 32 million dollars short. Bonfante
hopes to reopen the park this spring.
1954-1958 Remembered
Special to Cougars’ Tales from Nancy Miller
Camden High
School’s first freshmen class began at Campbell
High School in 1954. Although
we attended the same classes as Campbell
freshmen we had orientation with only Camdenites.
We formed some allegiance to Campbell High and retained some of their
traditions when we finally moved into our own school, such as a summer
activities program called Cougars Den (taken from Campbell’s
Buc’s Cove).
Beth Russell Rocha
(married to Greg Rocha, ‘58), San Jose, CA
Nancy Miller Johnson, Dallas, TX
Jill Chambers Dalton, Lake Alminor, CA
Judy Christian Mitchell, Victoria, Australia
provided by Nancy Miller
The first freshmen class became the first sophomore class
and so on until we graduated as the first senior class. There was
tremendous school spirit among that first class as we put in place class
assemblies, dances, clubs and support for sports activities. We had some
great teacher and administrative support but I think for the most part the
class of 1958 designed a lot of the structure among themselves.
I use a couple of instances to illustrate that leaders were
developed in that time period as we were allowed to express ourselves and have
a say in what we wanted to leave behind to future classes. It wasn’t
always easy and none of our battles were won without “drawing a line in the
The Senior Class assembly, a play, was chosen by someone and
was to be directed by the chemistry instructor who shall remain nameless.
The play was complicated and not very well thought out. The cast was
chosen and practices began but the structure was so loose it was obvious it was
not going to work. A group of us got together and decided that if this
activity was going to represent the senior class we
DID NOT want it to be with this play. As usual we went to Mr. Bill Maxfield, then Dean of Boys, with our
suggestion. There was a popular late night television show from San
Francisco, hosted by Don Sherwood, sort of a prelude
to Johnny and Dave. The host was accompanied by an attractive blond and a
combo and featured various acts performing in the clubs around San
Francisco. Our host was Fred McCune and various
other class members provided the blond, combo and acts. One particular
act I remember very well. It was Ernie Kovac’s
Nairobi Trio, consisting of Judy Christian, Jill Chambers and myself in
oversized coats and guerrilla full head masks. The show was a great
As we approached graduation, we were informed that as the
cafeteria was not large enough to hold all the family and friends of the
graduates, our graduation ceremony would be held at Campbell
High School. WHAT? The first
graduating class and they wanted us to graduate at a rival school. Once
again, a group of class members met, this time with the principal, Dean
Chamberlain, and explained that if we were not going to be able to graduate at
our own school we would appreciate it if our diplomas were mailed to us and we
would just skip having any kind of ceremony. We must have had some impact
as the track was completed and temporary stadium seating was up in time for our
June graduation.
The class of 1958 was a great group. Many still live
in the San Jose area. We are
sorry that our alma mater is no longer but at least some of it remains and is
being put to good use.
Heard Around the Quad …
How to dress like a hood –
From Darrell Ray (’66)
“Black shoes/boots, white socks, pegged black Levis,
white T-shirt, some kind of shirt, but not tucked in – I must stress that this
part is very important! To top it off, a blue nylon wind breaker.
Hair must be as long as you can get away with and be pulled down in front.
Attitude must be aggressive, you must give people the
feeling that being in your way is a very bad thing.” John Holt (’65)
added removing belt loops and rolling the waistband over, removing the Levi
rear pocket stitching and pointed shoes with heels smaller on the bottom than
the top. Taps were optional. Ken Hicks (’63) continued with Butch
Wax for the hair, a pack of Camels or Lucky Strikes rolled in the sleeve, and
shoes pointed enough “that they hurt like hell to wear all day.” Ken felt
that a rebellious nature was preferable to an aggressive one. On the
female front Barbara Antonucci (’69) remembered crepe
paper being stapled around the hem of “too short” skirts. Meg Mitchell (’63) mentioned Mrs. Morse picking the hems
out of skirts in the early sixties. Betsy Pierson Fear (’67) remembered
being in Camden’s main hall when a fellow student had to kneel down to
measure her skirt. “Of course, before kneeling down, she unrolled her
skirt, so she passed the test,” recalled Betsy. Girls had to wait for
“Grub Day” to wear pants, but then “Dress Up Day”
meant high heels and nylons.
“Turn Around” Sounds Nostalgic Note
The song “Turn Around”, used in an advertising campaign in
the sixties by Kodak was remembered fondly by many Camdenites.
“I remember it used to bring my mother to tears when it played and she had to
leave the room” wrote Mike Brown (’74.) Mary Ayers (’77) even remembered
an episode of “That Girl” where Marlo Thomas sang
this song.
Home Economics Requirements
Meg (’63) remembers needing special permission to skip Home
Economics class.
Her mother was perturbed to find that the money for fabric
to make a waist apron had been wasted as the project turned out unusable.
By the late seventies the guys were taking the classes, Brett Welch (’78)
remembers. Beverly Green’s (’65) only memories of Home Ec
were of Mrs. Plant’s hairstyle, a 1940’s style roll, and her perfume. Mr. O
(faculty member Herman Osorio) has fond memories of the bribes of carrot cake
and cookies he received from Mrs. Plant to excuse tardy students who stayed
late to her clean up. Joan Moga took three
years of Home Ec at Camden,
and then married a chef. Joan still remembers Mrs. Plant’s many rings,
one on every finger. The subject of the male equivalent, shop class, came
up as well. Rick Green (’67) realized
that he still has his tool box made in Ida Price’s metal shop, his father has
the funnel from the same class and his mother still uses the letter holder made
in wood shop, Rick adds, “They don’t make
things like they used to.” Both sexes admitted that typing classes were
certainly a good idea now that having “keyboard” skills is practically
essential. Mark Havens (’76) was glad he took home ec, though he learned more on how to sew at home than at
school, a skill he has used professionally to produce historical garments for
Hollywood productions. Judy Clark Rarick (’66) also
appreciates the skills she learned in that class, she still makes some of her
own clothing, including lined suits.
First Jobs
Beverly Green (’65) first worked picking apricots on the Cirone ranch on Union Avenue; she has memories of the heat,
fruit flies, sore hands and legs tired from standing all day. Her next
employment opportunity, the Winchester Drive-In Theater was much preferable.
She got to eat all the popcorn she wanted. Ken Rush (’72) had friends who
worked the same drive-in walking around turning off the speakers as patrons
left. “They thought it was great to get paid to walk around the movie
theater joking and smoking with friends and getting paid for it,” stated
Ken. Newly graduated Mike Rose (’71) was accosted by an armed robber
while performing this same task back in August 1971. A revolver placed at
his head was used to convince the manager to open the safe; the bandit
disappeared into the night with a popcorn bag full of cash. Mimi Gogolewski (‘80) enjoyed working the Winchesters ticket
booths since her friends worked in the other booths and phones connected
all. “We got paid for doing what we would have been doing anyway,” she
says. Mimi remembers the down side being that the booths did get very
cold in the winter. Deana Williams (’79) didn’t work at Winchester but
does remember watching the movies from her roof on Dallas Drive and the traffic
to the theater on weekends backing up to the point of blocking traffic in the
area. Brett Welch (’78) admitted sneaking though a fence bordering
highway 17 to avoid paying, Marc Johnson (’76) drove a tow truck for Dick’s
Automotive and would just tell the ticket seller that they got a call for a tow
inside, he would be allowed in free – date and all.
SKORVAN and Hi-Y’s
High school service groups like Skorvan,
Beachcombers and 7-11 were a mainstay of the sixties. Service organizations
sanctioned by the YMCA, they were often referred to as Hi-Y’s. Males
only, membership by invitation only and included the usual initiations and
hazing of rookies popular at the time. “I joined for the status and the
fun,” says Rod Dwyre (’66.) Many of Skorvans members were surfers.
Lawn Skating
The chilly February mornings with snow visible on Mount
Hamilton reminded Cindy Mankins (’72) of
“skating” across the frosted lawns while walking to school as a child.
“We wore dresses in those days and you sure were uncomfortable if you slipped
and fell,” Cindy remarked. Additionally, laments over children being
driven to school rather than walking with friends were mentioned. Meg Mitchell
(’63) mentioned, “Walking to school with the neighborhood gang was the official
start of the school day!”
Home Delivery
Mike Brown (’74) asked if anyone besides him bought donuts
out of the back of a bakery van while on the way to school. Apparently
the Ford delivery truck would park for a short time near the school, the double
rear doors were opened exposing the long deep drawers that held the baked
delicacies. Deanna Snow (’72) remembered it as a Colonial Bakery
truck. Diane Price (’67) recalled the trucks as beige with green writing,
her mother would purchase bread regularly from them. This thread brought
back thoughts of Everet the local ice cream driver
for Marc Johnson (’76.) Ken Rush (’72) brought up the “fan order wheel”
that would be set for the desired product and left for the milkman.
All Year Reunion Re-ignites
Romance, Marriage Ensues
Old flames Beverly Green (’65) and Dennis Polyniak (’65) found the smoldering embers fanned when they
reunited at the all year reunion last year. They married five months
later and have returned to live in San Jose
once again.
Bodega Memories
An old cannery in Campbell
was transformed into a place to drink and hear good live music. Robert
Fudge (’66) remembered seeing Hot Tuna, who recorded an album there, John Lee
Hooker, The Doobie Brothers, Cold Blood, and Tower of
Power among others. The Bodega became Gilbert Zapps,
which featured video games in addition to the music and booze. The spot
is now an office building.
Food For Thought
Restaurants continue to provide a happy walk down memory
lane. Spurred on by Ric Bretschneider’s (’74) request for the names of local
restaurants still operating in their original location with similar menu items,
dozens of posts were made. Ric started
by offering up Kirk’s Steakburgers on Bascom Avenue, there since
1966. Cindy Mankins Moore (’72) mentioned
downtown spots Original Joes (since 1956), the Burger Bar (’53) and the Five
Spot. Cindy also brought up DeCicco’s Italian
Restaurant on Bascom. Andy’s Barbecue on Campbell
Avenue, serving delicious ribs since 1965 was
owned by Camden cheerleader Carole Unzen’s father, the family still owns and operates the
restaurant. The Chinese take-out in Hacienda
Gardens got several mentions, it’s been in place since the mid-sixties.
Trader Lou’s
Restaurant talk morphed into amusement parks. Mike
Brown (’74) remembered the small kiddie amusement
area at Westgate shopping center in the 1960’s. Frontier
Village and the still operating
Happy Hollow came up of course. One that took awhile to name was the
little carnival ride site on Monterey Road
named Trader Lou’s. It also featured a fried chicken restaurant and a
small old west museum. According to my sources Lou Bonnett
was the owner, and the building, converted from a
farmhouse, used to be a speak-easy in prohibition days. A tunnel led from
the basement of the building to an empty field next door.
Minimum Wages
Denise (Holmes) Long (’75) boasted of her first job’s wage,
a whole $1.90 an hour. John Holt (’65) topped that with $1.40 working at
Karl’s Shoes at in the Hacienda Gardens
center. Meg Mitchell (’63) recalled making $1.45 an hour working for
Manpower in the mid-sixties. Of course baby-sitting only paid twenty-five to
fifty cents an hour at the time, if you were lucky soft drinks and potato chips
were included mentioned Judy Clark Rarick
(’66.) Joan Moga (yes, Fritz’s sister) earned
$1.87 an hour at the now closed Pruneyard Cinemas in Campbell.
Working out to be about $20 a week, she managed to spend it all at Foxmoor Casuals clothing store and Tower Records back when
they sold records.
Cruising First
Cruising First Street
is a common 1960’s memory for many from Camden.
Downtown’s King’s Drive-In along with Mel’s and the A&W
on Bascom were resting spots for the hot cars of that
American Graffiti era. John Holt (’65) and Darrell Ray (’66) remembered
the hot cars of those times, the ’57 Chevy’s, 396 Chevelles,
and their brethren. Dennis Byron (’66) recalled the time he and Chuck
Bona Sera, son of the owner of Bona Sera Chrysler Plymouth, took a police
cruiser sans door emblems that was being set up in the dealerships garage out
to cruise First. They didn’t make it downtown before being pulled over by
a multitude of legitimate patrol cars. Dennis figured they would be
arrested but they got away with merely a ticket for illegal lights in the back
Time Goes By For Time Capsule
Ken Rush (’72), along with the rest of us Camdenites, is still hoping someone can come up with
information on the time capsule buried in 1971 at the corner of the campus
where Camden Avenue and Union Avenue intersect. Ed Brick (’74) and others
have vague recollections of this event but nothing to indicate where exactly it
was buried. The capsule was to be exhumed and opened in the year 2021.
Overcrowding Requires Shared Lockers
Barbara Driskel Rogers (’66) and
Meg Mitchell (’63) remembered all students having to share lockers due to
overcrowding. “I can remember sharing with two others. It was really fun.
My Dad made wooden shelves for us so we could separate our books,” said
Yes, back in the old days a local telephone prefix used a
name to represent the first two numbers as a means of making memorization
easier. Most Camden grads
lived in the Essex area, meaning their phone numbers,
sans area code, began with E = 3, S = 7. As example, Fran’s Bootery in the Cambrian
Plaza could be reached at Essex7-0129. Commonly people would spell the phone
number as in ES7-0129. The mid-sixties saw the
passing of this practice.
Fran’s Bootery Free Foot X-Ray
Speaking of Fran’s Bootery,
several Camdenites including Rick
Green and Bob Baker (both ‘67), recalled the foot X-ray device that would allow
you to see through your shoes and flesh to observe the bones of your
feet. The idea was to see how comfortably your feet fit in the right
shoes. It didn’t take long for those pesky safety advocates to get these
devices removed from stores.
Blackberry Farm
Darrell Ray (’66) was eating a helping of blackberry pie
when the memory of his Ida Price’s eighth grade class trip to Blackberry Farms
in 1962 came to mind. Gary Hubbs (’67)
remembered the Price class of ’63 visiting that spot in Monte Vista as
Mr. Babe & Other Signs
Pre-Silicon Valley
signage became a point of discussion, much of it centering on the Babe’s
Muffler shop giant. Currently located on the Alameda,
he was borrowed once for a Camden
senior prank.
Humanitarian Camdenite
High school teacher Gary Hubbs
(’67), and open list member, regularly takes groups of student volunteers down
to Costa Rica to do humanitarian work at an
abandoned children’s shelter as well as doing scientific work saving the
endangered leatherback sea turtles.
Outdated Directions
Judy (McClure) Crooks (’67) posted this amusing item
regarding navigational landmarks; “I was just thinking how it's kind of
funny how we describe places by
landmarks. I was recently trying to tell someone where the Radio Shack was
on Union Ave. Went something like this:
Across the corner from where the Jack-in-the-box was, across the street, on
the same side, from where the Burger Pit used to be, Kitty-corner from where
the 31 flavors was and where the Fry's and drug store and liquor store
to be, but is all houses now. Guess what? He knew where I was talking about!”
Blossom Valley
Tours of Old
Ken Hicks (’63) remembered simpler times in Silicon Valley –
“Back in the early 50's or late 40's, the number of orchards and trees were
so plentiful, and when in bloom so fragrant and beautiful, that they had the
blossom valley tours through the Cambrian area up to Blossom Hill Road and
around. I remember, err I mean I was told about the parades of antique
cars that would tour when the trees were in bloom. Of course this was a
time when the only paved road was Bascom (then San
Jose / Los
Gatos Rd.), there were no stoplights, only
signs, and every road in Cambrian
Park was dirt.
The Cambrian Plaza
was a swamp where my dad used to duck hunt and the only store around was Mac's
Market and Daughtery's Drug Store. Camden
Avenue had another name but I cannot recall
what it was. The only two elementary schools were the old two story
wooden building at the corner of Union and
Los Gatos / Almaden Road
and also Union Elementary for older kids. Parker didn't exist and I don't
believe many of the others did either. If you lived in Cambrian
Park, you went to Campbell
High, as the only two were Campbell
High & Los Gatos High (extreme rivals).”
Rock Salt Loaded Shot Guns
“Did local farmers/ranchers really tote shot guns loaded
with rock salt?” pondered Ken Rush (’72.) Raids on fruit orchards by
youthful Camdenites were apparently very common in
the fifties and sixties. Equally common was the story of orchard owners
protecting their livelihood via the above method. Although all feared the
rock salt none could ever remember shots being fired. Not to say that
violence didn’t ensue. Bob Baker (’67) recalled one incident: I
used to raid those orchards from about 1955 on. I remember running home
one day after a farmer thru rocks at me and Ron Boone. I got hit in the
head with one and was bleeding profusely behind the ear. I burst into the
house and scared my poor mother to death. She asked what happened and I
told her "some bastard hit me with a rock cause we were picking
cherries". She washed my mouth out with soap for saying the
"B" word. Justice was just a little different in those
San Jose’s Last Lynching
A bit of San Jose
history appeared in the open list brought up by Brett Welch (’78). He mentioned
his uncle’s memorable arrival from Chicago
in the evening of November 26,1933. Disembarking from the train in
downtown San Jose he was drawn to a
crowd gathering in Saint James Park. Intrigued he drew closer only to
find it was a lynching. Yes, Brett’s uncle had happened upon the famous
mob lynching of the two men suspected of killing Brooke Hart, the son of Harts
department store owner. When it was established that Hart had been killed
immediately, even though a ransom of $40,000 was demanded by the kidnappers, a
mob of thousands formed outside the jail, broke in and hanged the two men
across the street. Then Governor “Sunny Jim” Rolf refused to call out the
National Guard to protect the kidnappers feeling the lynching would provide a
“lesson.” The hanging trees, which stood mere feet apart, were so damaged
by souvenir collectors that they had to be removed. John Holt’s (‘63)
mother and Jim Walsh’s (’64) parents were among the witnesses to the event.
Dodge/Slaughter Ball
A national news story calling for a ban on school sanctioned
dodge ball games due to injuries reminded Mike Brown (’74) of his love of that
game while at Camden. This is a description from Brett Welch (’78),
another fan of the game; “We usually got to play Slaughter Ball on rainy
days. All the bleachers in the gym were pulled up, the floor was wide
open, and the coaches would put six volley balls either in the basketball jump
circle or across a line at mid-court. One blow of the whistle and mayhem
ensued. For a freshman, Slaughter Ball was an intimidating initiation rite.
But once you got through your first one it was a blast. It was one of
those PE sports where a freshman could tag a senior and get away with
it.” Gary Hubbs (’67) replied regarding
what was then called slaughter ball, “Broken glasses, bloody noses, and total
chaos. That’s slaughter ball. Great fun!”
Howdy Neighbor
Camdenites were surprised to see
the Santa Clara County Fair in May. Though this was the second year for
an early fair, it still seemed odd for old-timers used to the fair being in the
fall. Fair management felt the early date might spur school groups to
visit. Attendance fell to record lows. By the way non-locals, the
folksy “Howdy Neighbor” greeting has been long gone, along with the old farmer
mascot, not hip enough to get Silicon Valley types
interested in visiting.
What Time Is It? TV Time
Howdy Doody’s call of “What time
is it kids?” came forth from a nostalgic Darrell Ray (’66.) Linda
Lavoie Lane (’66) also reminisced about Howdy’s fellow cast members Buffalo Bob, Clara Bell and Chief
Thunderthud. Howdy Doody
ran from1954 to 1959. “Out of the western sky comes Sky King” was a call many Camden
grads remembered. This show, with it’s “cowboys
and planes” theme began in 1951 but was syndicated throughout the
sixties. Larry Cone (’65) recalled having a crush on Sky King’s niece
Penny and driving his parents crazy looking for a model of the twin prop plane
Sky King flew. The marionette shows, Supercar,
Fireball XL-5 and Thunderbirds and Winky Dink, the
show where you placed a plastic covering over the TV screen to draw on were
also affectionately recalled. Speaking of television, Patt
Maden (’67) remembered her family winning a color set
from the Star & Bar on Union Avenue
in the 1950’s. A handy item for a family with seven kids but a year after
winning it, Patt’s mom decided the kids were watching
too much and gave it away. Roy Rogers, Rin Tin Tin, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon
(“I arrest you in the name of the Crown!”) and Life of Riley were other old
shows mentioned. Local TV favorites Mayor Art, Fireman Frank, Captain
Satellite and Skipper Sedley were fondly remembered
as well.
Rock & Roll Radio
“I remember when KEWB sort of
supplanted KYA. KLIV
came later still, I think. Listening to the “in” radio station was the
first thing I ever did that was in the slightest degree cool or hip,” stated
Meg Mitchell (’63.) No surprise that sixties rock & roll comes out on
top with Camdenites, with fifties “oldies” following
closely. A couple of Camdenites remembered the KYA sponsored charity walk from San
Jose to San Francisco
in the early sixties. The fifty-mile walk was described as “an amazing
experience” by participant Trina Forest
Cutting Class
“As a hood you kind of needed to cut class at least once or
twice a year to keep your image up”, according to Darrell Ray (’66.)
Sliding down the mossy spillway at Guadeloupe Dam was one a favorite diversion
and the old stand by, forging absence letters, saved the miscreants from harm.
Local Lottery Winner
The winning lottery ticket for a 141 million dollar prize
was sold at the Union Avenue Liquors in the shopping center containing Dunkin’
Donuts across from Camden.
News vans hovered around the station for days waiting for the winning ticket
holder to come forward. Long time storeowner Alex Wang was even
interviewed on the Good Morning America television show. Hopes of a
former Camden student winning and
becoming a big supporter of The Camden Foundation were dashed however. The
winners ended up being Cambrian Park
residents Al and Carmen Castallano, whose children
attended Leigh High.
Silicon Valley Smog
“Dad, the air burns my eyes here,” stated Bob Fudge’s (’66)
daughter upon arriving at San Jose Airport
in mid July. Bob and his daughter live in Ketchikan,
an island in the south east part of Alaska,
and has not been back to the Valley in over twenty years, this was his young daughters first exposure to air pollution. Apparently
the air quality at their South East
Island is superior to ours. Rick
Green (’67) did point out that the air has actually improved since the late
sixties due to improvements in auto emissions. Imagine being able to see
the Golden Gate from Blossom
Hill Road, according to Jim Bickmore
(’61) you could do just that in the late forties. Jim felt the air was
the worst in the early seventies, “There were days where you couldn’t see any
foothills in any direction.”
Surfs Up
Recalling the dances held at Santa Cruz Boardwalk in the
sixties, Darrell Ray (’66) stated, “I did feel a little nervous about being in
Surfer’s Heaven.” Memories of cruising the strip
in front of the Coconut Grove in Jim Kurn’s mother’s
1959 Cadillac convertible, “What a boat that was.” Fellow bad-boy John
Holt (’65) recalled camping with friends at the site where the marina now lies
and trying to find someone to buy them Rainer Ale or else settling for cough
syrup. Darrell couldn’t quite recall “what they used to call those guys that
rode around with a surf board on their car and never put them in the
Larry Cone (’65) was first to remember the term “Gremmies”
to describe the pseudo-surfers, Meg Mitchell (’63) recalled them being called Hodaddies. John remembers walking to the Los
Gatos bus station, traveling to the Boardwalk and
renting a surfboard from Otto’s near the Dream Inn and this was back when he
was fourteen. Bob Baker (’67) remembered how the girls watched the
surfers and talked about them, “…made me realize I needed to learn how to
swim.” Ed Brick (’74) remembers preferring the Boardwalk’s salt water taffy
to the surfing but his athletic sister Claudia (’68) has a nine and a half foot
mahogany board with a stripe down the middle.
Dress Code
Camden’s dress code and the date that it fell comes
up as a point of conversation periodically on the open list. The
always-informative Meg Mitchell (’63) recalled that in Camden’s
early days “girls had to wear either a dress or skirt or jumper every day
except one special day in May, Bermuda Day
(which was always foggy, windy and freezing!) Our skirts were supposed to
be long enough that if you knelt down, your skirt wasn’t more than one inch
above the floor. You couldn’t wear spaghetti strap tops – I don’t think
so anyway – and of course no one at that time had ever dreamed of going
bra-less. In the days of ratted hair, your hair wasn’t supposed to stand
up more than an inch above your head.” Tamineha
DelGrande Poe, ‘78 recalled a Cambrian school outing
to a local colleges planetarium. Her mother,
imagining it was a casual affair dressed Tamineha and
her sister in slacks. She recalls, “When all the children lined up to go
in the planetarium, Mr. Ely yanked little girls out of line one by one.
After the first four girls (of which I was one) everyone realized that we all
had slacks on. He scolded us and told us what a disgrace we were to our
families, our school and our community. He wouldn't let us go inside
until the lights were turned off so that no one else would see HIS girls
wearing pants.” Gilda Grozdanich remembers
being a seventh grader at Ida Price Junior High in 1970 when girls were first
allowed to wear pants at that school, “but they couldn’t be jeans, they had to
be slacks” Her mother had to write the school a permission slip for she and her
sister to wear pants. The boys seemed to come under less scrutiny but
Gary Hubbs (’67) commented that at the time, boys’
dean Ernie Lee was not fond of hair that came over the ear. “I do recall
someone coming to school with a mohawk
in 1966, said Gary who added, “as I recall he was suspended.” Judy Clark Rarick (’66) added that in her senior year David Carney was
suspended for having his hair too long. Apparently he had been warned
numerous times by Dean Lee and by May of that year he had had enough.
Apparently the rules for dress at Camden
were eased in 1969 as Barbara Driskell Rogers (’66)
remembers her sister Christine from the class of ’69 wearing Levi jeans her
senior year. Steve Salvador (’74) has fond memories of his female classmates
attire, “I remember the girls having to wear dresses and wow, they got
short! Then they let them wear pants and we guys thought we would miss
the mini’s. Then the girls all started wearing
Ditto’s, which looked like they were sprayed on. We loved it.”
Local Missing Woman Faculty Member’s Daughter
Former faculty member Will Finck
reported that a missing woman from Los Gatos,
Jeanine Sanchez Harms, is the daughter of former Camden Spanish teacher Mr.
Sanchez. At Camden for only
one year beginning in 1961, Mr. Sanchez continued to teach at other schools in
the district. The local papers have been covering the story for several
weeks with no suspects at this time.
Site Originator Marries
Camden website
and mailing list creator John Wiley (’66) married Anne Cameron on August
seventh in Santa Barbara.
Cougars’ Tales wishes these two lovely people the best.
Winchester Drive-In
Always a subject that evokes fond memories, Winchester
Drive-In of Campbell was brought up by Kurt Nelson (’74) recalling a story of,
what else, sneaking into the drive-in. Amazingly, six foot two Kurt and
six foot three Steve Salvador (’74)
were both able to hide in the spare tire well of a Rambler station wagon.
Trina Tiller Pollman (’79) cited her similar crime,
hiding on the back seat floor with her older sister Tanja’s
(’75) friends using her as a footrest. Jim Votano’s
(’71) related an incident involving fellow classmate Tim Shelton (’71).
Both intended to apply for employment at the drive-in. As Jim tells it, “We
rode over on Tim’s Honda 305 Dream motorcycle. After filling out the
application and a quick interview, we were given the brush-off. Being a
little angry, Tim decided to race through the parking area where the asphalt
resembles waves, rather than drive out on the regular road. As our speed
increased, his ability to stay on two wheels decreased. The ensuing crash
took out a speaker pole and left us both with a lot of road rash and no
job.” Note: Cougars’ Tales issue three has a short article on this
drive-in. Adds Elementary/Junior
High Schools
The web’s most popular alumni site,
has added elementary and junior high/middle schools to their site of high
school, college and military listings. This may offer a chance for Camdenites to get in touch with their old neighborhood
friends who moved from the area prior to attending Camden.
Note: is a commercial site that
charges for contact information.
Childhood Insults
Email shouts of “Farnham Flunky” set off a recollection of
the slurs of childhood. Sophisticated humorist Ed Brick (’74) recited the
famous Ida Price salute, “I P, U P, we all P for I P.” Houge hogs and Price Pigs were phrases retained in the vast
memory of Camden Foundation historian Scott Rose (’74.) Kurt Nelson (’74) recalled popular insult Houge
Games Kids Play
Elementary school memories continued to surface with the
games of our youth as subject. Marbles was popular throughout the fifties
and sixties. Jump rope, ever popular amongst girls and Ed Brick (’74),
was mentioned of course along with its cousin Chinese jump rope (played with a elastic band stretched between two peoples legs.)
Another form of jumping game, involving sticks manipulated by two players as
another stepped between them, was mentioned by Patty Finnell
(’79.) A “cherry bomb”, a no-handed flip on the bars, was a youthful
daredevil move of Patty’s as well. Cindy Tompkins Sutton (’65) remembered
jacks, Trini Tiller Pollman
(‘79) recalled End Zone. Handclap games (Mary Mac, Say Oh Say, Playmate)
and hopscotch were favorites of Mary Ayers (’77) at Cambrian. Tetherball
was big at many grade schools. The hand manipulated folded paper “cootie
catchers” made mention as well. Cambrian students recalled having to
“freeze” in place when the recess bell rang, not moving until instructed by the
teacher serving yard duty.
Teachers, Good and Bad
Elementary teachers both good and bad came to mind as the
open lists members thought back to their distant youth. Metzler’s first
grade teacher Mrs. Brandt, a large, loud woman, came out on top for “most
mean.” Mark Beck (’77) remembers being shaken by the shoulders while Mrs.
Brandt shouted, “I’m going to shake the living tar out of you!” Trina
Tiller Pollman (’79) cited an incident as well, “I
had Mrs. Brandt for first grade and she punched me in the stomach because I
took my finger off the paper.” Kelly Mankins
(’80) had to pass Mrs. Brandt’s house on her way home from school, “I remember
we would run by her house just in case she was there.” Remembered fondly
by former students was tough guy sixth grade teacher Ed Foglia,
also from Metzler. Favorite punishments of his were duck-walking and holding
dictionaries up on extended arms. Foglia
student Joan Moga Watkins (’78) remembers an attempt
“to get away with using the “F” word in class. Held up
a lot of dictionaries for that.” Debby Harrison Gardner (’67) had Mr. Foglia as a fifth grade teacher at Steindorf,
“He was great. I had a terrible crush on him. My mom still teases
me about it.” Farnham’s Ernie Anderson, in his
brown corduroy suit, was another tough but good instructor according to Camdenites. Deborah Paris Raiche
(’72) cleverly wrote, “I had Mr. Pfaff for Core in 7th grade at Ida
Price. He loved vocabulary and was a great teacher.
"Indubitably" we learned the spelling and meaning of many a
multi-syllabic word from Mr. Pfaff. He was "loquacious" and
"amiable" but never "facetious."
Redwood Glen Remembered
Popular overnight trip destination Redwood Glen in Scotts
Valley held fond memories for many
who grew up in the Cambrian school district. Primarily a spot for sixth grade
classes, activities included nature studies, including the analyzing of animal
scat, and hiking. A number of open list members spent a week there
as counselors while at Camden,
including Brenda Erickson
Park (’79.) “I had two cabins
of boys since one of the counselors didn’t show up,” recalled Brenda, “ As a mom of five boys, I often wonder if God was preparing
me for that scenario.”
Camdenites Seeking Same.
Jackie Johnson Clark (’73) is updating the address
file for the Class of
’73, thirty year reunion. If you are from that class please contact her at
Lindy Kirkham
(’74) is seeking David Patrick Cunningham (‘75.)
Patti (Bainter)
Young class of 72 would like to get in touch with LaRae
Albuquerque (’72) and Nancy Gibson (’72.)
Bird’s Eye View
Aerial views of Camden
shortly before it’s closing. Thanks to faculty
member Sherlynn Mar for the donation of the photos to
the Camden archives.
View from the North to the South. Camden
Avenue is at the top of the picture with Union
Avenue at left. Notice the ’78 still painted
in the parking lot. Can you spot anything else of interest?

A second shot from West to East. Camden
Avenue arcs above the school, with the St. Francis
Cabrini property in the top left corner. The
district bus yard is in the top right corner near the track.

End Remarks
Cougars’ Tales is interested in your Camden
and Cambrian Park
story ideas; please contact the editor at The editor is also looking for
photographs of Camden High and early photos of the Cambrian
Park area. Especially sought
after are pictures of the burger joint across the street from Camden
that closed in the mid-sixties and the trampolines that operated at Cambrian
Plaza in the sixties. Special
thanks go out to Ric Bretschneider (’74) for
his help putting this issue on the web. Thanks to John
Wiley (’66) for creating the Camden web site and mailing list, and Ken Rush (’72) for running the Camden mailing
list. All articles and most photographs by Tom
Rose unless otherwise accredited.